Hotel Booking Engine

The right hotel booking engine will improve the guest booking experience so your small hotel can increase bookings and generate more revenue. Read our resources on online booking engines to get all the information you need about providing the best hotel booking engine.

revenue management

What Is the Best PMS For Small Hotels?

Read Part 8 of 8 of our Complete Guide to Small Hotel Property Management Software to learn how to choose the best PMS for small hotels, including what a small hotel PMS can do for you and 6 key features to look for in your small hotel PMS. ​

happy family spring booking hotel check in

3 Ways To Increase Your Hotel Bookings This Spring

Spring is here, which means it’s time for travelers to start planning their vacations. But if you’re a hotel owner or manager, how do you make sure your booking rates are high enough to make the season profitable? Whether you’re

direct booking happy guests

Benefits of Direct Bookings for Independent Hotels

Direct booking is a vital component of many independent hotels’ inventory distribution strategy. Here are some of the key benefits independents gain from direct booking: More control over the online guest experience Direct booking allows hoteliers to better control the